General Insurance

Any Insurance contract other than Life Insurance comes under the category of General Insurance .The different types of general insurance are fire, motor, accident and other non-life insurance.

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  • Helps customers in prevention of tangible assets damage.
  • Important in accidental coverage.
  • Important for Motor accidents and damage.
  • Important in case of Loss of an asset coverage.
  • Important for Sahaj mitr as customers visit retailer shop to purchase policies


  • Quick policy purchase model.
  • Best Insurance provider partners available.
  • Attractive Commission for Sahaj Mitr on all policy purchases.
  • Customer can purchase the best policies from multiple options.
  • Easy payment , Receipt process for purchase

Process :

Step 1

Sahaj Mitr Login in Sahaj Portal . Select Insurance .

Step 2

Search policy as per customer details and availability.

Step 3

Sahaj Mitr helps customers purchase Insurance Policy with Skash . Earns commission.

Frequently Answered Questions

  • 01

    What is Cover Drive Registration?

  • 02

    Will there be any physical inspection for the Comprehensive package?

  • 03

    How to register for Claim?

  • 04

    Is this cash less?

  • 05

    What is the policy waiting period for claims in regards to critical illness?

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